
Morten Karnoe

VC Partner

Morten Karnøe Søndergaard (Ph. D.) was a professor at Aalborg University (Denmark) from 2010 to 2019, and from 2012 also Director of New Capital Markets Research at Stanford University (USA). During this period, he gained solid scientific experience as well as extensive business experience by working with leading Silicon Valley companies as well as helping entrepreneurs in the start-up phase.

He has extensive international experience in the implementation of international projects from early start to commercialization. It has an extensive network of business contacts both in Europe and in the United States. This network provides access to world-class experts, specialized research infrastructure and major financial players, which enables BRAVE VC to finance subsequent rounds and guarantees the internationalization of projects in its portfolio.

Over the past decade, he has conducted extensive research and development work independently and with Stanford University. His research focused on technological development, innovation and the development of various industries. He collaborated with several institutions on international research projects related to the development of innovation in RES, both as a participant and as a leader. In 2012-2015, he participated in three successful global startups: IP Wit (, Tickerly Investment Advisors ( and Eco2Pay. Rights from Eco2Pay (IPR) were transferred to Stanford University in 2015, which confirms the high technological potential of the project and its business opportunities. In 2016, he was the first to invest in Beyonder, a Norwegian technology company that produces sustainable batteries for the industry, and today is one of the leading companies in this field in the Nordic region with a great global potential (

Łukasz Feldman

Chairman of the Board

Managing Partner and founder of Brave Venture Capital. Co-founder and manager of funds specializing in supporting innovative projects. He specializes in obtaining financing for projects from the seed phase to entering the Stock Exchange. He implemented investments both under measures 3.1. OP IE, as part of the funds created by the National Capital Fund, and also as an individual investor. He has the qualifications of a Stockbroker and the European Financial Consultant certificate. He has experience in the implementation and supervision of research and development projects, and through his financial experience supports portfolio companies also in terms of specialist knowledge in the field of EU funds and the capital market. As the Managing Partner, he is responsible for the evaluation of investment projects, conducting the investment process, and building the value of portfolio companies.

Albert Smektalski

Business Partner

Albert is the managing partner and investor of Brave Venture Capital. He has knowledge and many years of experience in the field of finance and strategic management in international concerns. For almost 10 years he has been dealing with obtaining financing for enterprises in the seed phase, restructuring and implementing development strategies, and conducting R&D works in cooperation with Polish and foreign research and development centers. Albert is a technology broker of the Integrated Nanoscience Commodity Exchange in Great Britain through which he introduces technological innovations to the international market. On the Polish capital market, Albert was responsible, inter alia, for the implementation of early-stage investments and business development of startups under OP IE 3.1 projects. Albert is responsible for scouting, business development of Industry 4.0 projects, ICT / IoT, MedTech and advanced material technologies. He is also responsible for relations with strategic investors and raising funds for subsequent rounds of project financing.

Przemysław Federowicz


He worked as a CIO in startups that achieved business success and market maturity. In 2012, he received a distinction in the 2012 CIO Competition for Internet projects. Since 2013, he has been the CEO and owner of a technology and consulting company that advises, inter alia, Venture Capital and Private Equity funds in investments in technology companies, including in mergers and acquisitions as well as building development strategies for IT and eCommerce companies, project management and IT / eCom Due Diligence audits. Over the last few years, he has participated in many investment projects, M&A and exits, working mainly for PE / VC funds and capital groups. Przemysław is an investor and co-investor in several startups. He managed, among others Bridge Alfa investment fund implementing technological projects in the Seed phase. Przemysław is responsible for taking care of the fund’s assets, searching for and acquiring portfolio companies as well as constant operational and financial supervision.

Aleksander Mercik


Doktor nauk ekonomicznych. Posiada ponad 10 letnie doświadczenie jako wykładowca na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym we Wrocławiu. Obecnie jest zatrudniony w Katedrze Inwestycji Finansowych i Zarządzania Ryzykiem w Instytucie Zarządzania Finansami. Jest autorem licznych artykułów naukowych oraz prelegentem na międzynarodowych i krajowych konferencjach z zakresu finansów. Specjalizuje się w zarządzaniu ryzykiem finansowym, wycenie instrumentów finansowych i zastosowaniu technologii łańcucha bloków w finansach. Ekspert w zakresie wyceny aktywów finansowych, rzeczowych, niematerialnych oraz przedsiębiorstw. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywał w największych instytucjach finansowych w Polsce i Wielkiej Brytanii. Aleksander jest odpowiedzialny za opiekę nad aktywami funduszu, poszukiwanie i pozyskiwanie spółek portfelowych oraz stały nadzór operacyjno – finansowy.