Our investments

Fabryka Lidera
Development of a gamification platform addressed to managers who want to develop their competences related to management.
500 000

Implementation of a mobile application and a web platform addressed to psychotherapists and their clients.
935 000

Nifti VR
The subject of the investment is the Virtual Reality investment project for imaging medical facilities in 3D. The project is carried out in Developer Team sp. z o.o., which was founded on August 12, 2020

The project provides for the creation of a radar for electric bicycles, which aims to increase the safety of cyclists by informing about an approaching vehicle at a distance of up to 120 meters.
1 000 000

The Motologg project aims to use artificial intelligence solutions to analyze the failure rates of vehicles of all introduced brands, models and their versions.
400 000

Expansion of the Langi educational system, which is designed to increase the efficiency of information acquisition by students, in particular during remote learning.
100 000

A project to create a modern wristband in the form of a smartband, which will discreetly inform the user about events through gentle vibrations, sound and light without the use of a display.
1 000 000

SaaS platform for the legal industry. The platform makes it possible to book meetings between lawyers and clients, conduct online conversations and meetings, and moreover, it will provide the public with reliable content on legal knowledge, which will be created by the lawyers themselves.
400 000

Bicerik is a mobile, modular production line for fruit processing, namely for the production of NFC juices.
1 000 000