On April 20, 2021, Brave VC participated in the “TIME OF HEROES” event organized by the Olsztyn Science and Technology Park and the Science and Technology Park in Ełk. “TIME OF HEROES” is implemented as part of the “START-UP HEORES – start-up platform for new ideas” project co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020, Priority Axis I: Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland, Measure 1.1 Start-up platforms for new ideas, Sub-measures 1.1.1. Start-up platforms for new ideas, co-financed by the ERDF (OP EP). The aim of the project is to prepare and implement a Project consisting in creating a comprehensive support program in the macroregion of Eastern Poland, which will enable the creation of conditions conducive to the emergence and development of innovative startups.
Congratulations to all companies participating in “TIME OF HEROS”, ie SC Engine, Radium Energy, Helio Tile, Hydrum, Marchandar, Techboard, European Carbon Farmers, Biolife Technologies, Smartrobotics, Fizjo Hub, for their excellent performances. We are convinced that soon a wider audience will hear about your innovative products and services.